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This Phenomenon Called...Life "

My Winning "TPCL" Video contest for a chance to win $1000.​

This Phenomenon Called...Life!



$500 Name That Video Contest

Correctly answer all ten questions and  be one of 5 people to WIN $100!  

When you believe you've answered all the questions correctly, submit your response in the email box at the BOTTOM of this page!


Here are the

$500 Name That Video

Contest Questions

(Submit answers in the email box at BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE)

1.  Which video does a cat      appear?

2.  Which video is there a stairwell?

3.  Which video is done in an alley?

4.  Which video does the Justin Timberlake song "Like I love You" appears.

5.  How many videos does the music of Michael Jackson appear in?

6.  Which video does the phrase "Complete Jerk" appear in?

7.  Which video does NOT have an intro?

8.  How many Michael Jackson songs are in the video "Dream Crasher"?

9.  What is the name of the cafe in the video "ARGH! Response to Customer B.S."?

10.  Which video does the house address "755" appear in?


$500 Still on the Table!

The Count Down:

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